Event Details
The Forum enjoys representation from SARS, the dti and Customs at meetings. Topics that are addressed include energy, the electricity crisis, research and development incentives and taxation laws. The Forum keeps an active watch on trade blockages and hurdles with the intention of elevating this to government level. In addition, proposed new legislation is monitored and submissions are made to the government. The Forum fulfils a vital role in monitoring trade issues.
Our guest speaker Shelbie Legg, Trade Officer U.S. Embassy Pretoria who will be providing an update on AGOA.
- To examine the trade needs of member companies and debate matters of broad interest (e.g. new regulations, proposed trading agreements, logistical matters, trading constraints, security, sustainability, taxes/tariffs, and best practice);
- To engage with government and stakeholders related to trade (dti, NEPAD, etc.); and
- To benchmark good trade management practice strategies, tactics and operational measures