Event Details
The Africa Investment Forum is Africa's investment market place, championed by the African Development Bank and its partners, to accelerate the closure of the continent's investment gaps. It operates as a multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary platform dedicated to advancing projects to bankable stages, raising capital, and (c) accelerating the financial closure of deals.
Strategic Intent: The vision of the Africa Investment Forum is to be a leveraging transactional platform that will tilt the balance of capital towards Africa's critical sectors with the aim of achieving the SDGs, Agenda 2063 and the High 5s.
The Africa Investment Forum vision translates into three reinforcing objectives:
- Advancing projects to bankable stage, by effective project preparation as well as efficient transaction advisory services that advances deals in the Africa Investment Forum pipeline;
- Capital raising to mobilize partners and investors, especially institutional investors, for increased co-financing; and,
- Accelerating financial closure of deals through a coordinated approach.
The 5 Pillars:
The Africa Investment Forum executes its mandate through 5 workstreams:
- The Platform
- The Market Place
- The Market Days
- The Deal Tracker
- Knowledge / Policy Environment
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