Event Details
Launched in October 2015, the AmCham Digital Forum was formed as a response to member demand to become more involved in digital issues in South Africa, to compile policy submissions on ICT legislation and to network with professional and government organisations within the ICT and digital landscape. The Forum places specific focus on Industry 4.0 and how businesses can be active participants through upskilling programs and commenting on critical legislation.
- To articulate the Digital Opportunity in the South African context for our members;
- To identify the important factors, enablers and blockers towards effective digital transformation;
- To advise/guide on governance and digital responsibility (Alignment with King IV, Privacy, cybersecurity, ethical AI)
- To drive Digital Readiness to take advantage of the Digital opportunities:
- Skills/Education programs
- Solutions to drive jobs/employment
- Technology prerequisites/regulation/legislation
- Global Competitiveness; and